Voltage Transformer Testing System

The Knopp Voltage Transformer Testing System is designed to measure the accuracy of instrument transformers having 120 volt secondaries and up to 14,400 volt primaries (special order for up to 36,000 volt primaries is available). The system includes a control console which contains the control circuitry, ANSI standard burdens, and the Knopp Automatic Transformer Comparator. The Knopp precision and loading transformer set is also included (as pictured) and is connected to the console via a special cable.


  • AUTOMATIC and AUTORANGING Voltage Transformer Comparator (Type KATC-V2) provides minimal measurement time (typically a few seconds after adjustment of test voltage).
  • DIGITAL DISPLAY of test voltage, ratio error (in Percent or Ratio Correction Factor), phase angle error (in Minutes or Milliradians) is provided by the Comparator (KATC-V2).
  • ACCURACY CLASS for which the transformer-under-test qualifies is calculated and digitally displayed by the Comparator (KATC-V2).
  • SELF CHECK feature allows the system accuracy to be easily verified without the use of an external standard.
    PROTECTIVE CIRCUITRY senses unusual error conditions, such as wrong ratio or wrong polarity, and then automatically removes power from the KVTS, precision transformer, and the transformer-under-test.
  • ZERO START feature requires that both coarse and fine controls of test voltage be at zero before power can be applied to the loading circuitry.
  • COMPUTER or PRINTER communication is available through an RS-232 port.
  • VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER TEST SET including a high precision multi-range voltage transformer and a heavy duty supply transformer plus the T-bar assembly and wheeled base.
  • INTERCONNECTING CABLES between the control console and the transformer test set.
  • All ANSI BURDENS including W, X, M, Y, Z and ZZ.

Equipment Documentation


KVTS – Knopp Voltage Transformer Testing System

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KVTS – Knopp Voltage Transformer Testing System (Spanish)

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KVTS – Knopp Voltage Transformer Testing System (Operations Manual)

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